Modular Architecture
Fixed assets
The IKON ERP Fixed Assets module can record fixed assets and investments individually, in compliance with the requirements of the Accounting Act and the Tax Act. The IKON ERP Fixed Assets module can record fixed assets and investments individually, in compliance with the requirements of the Accounting Act and the Tax Act. It is suitable for managing the movement of fixed assets such as activating, scrapping, or transferring. In addition to the accounting records, it is possible to group tangible assets and record their location and other associated characteristics. The system can manage straight-line and lump-sum depreciation, which can be carried out at any time.
- Easily parameterizable economic events
- Linear and lump-sum depreciation calculation per any chosen period
- Development reserve – Inclusion of development reserve used for asset acquisitions in the calculation under the Corporation Tax Act
- Investment discount calculations
- Asset grouping – Possibility to set up fine-tunable groups, characteristics, contingency
- Corporate tax management
- Depreciation simulation – to help plan for the acquisition, sale, disposal, and taxation of fixed assets
- Maturity date adjustment
- Automatic calculation of depreciation on sale and scrapping
- Fixed Asset inventory
- Market valuation
- Linking invoices to fixed assets
- Save fixed asset lists in Excel format
Contract management
The IKON ERP Contract Management module can help companies manage their contracts more effectively by providing a centralized platform for managing the conditions and parameters of their contracts and connected payments. By automating these processes, companies can reduce the risk of errors and ensure that they are adhering to contractual obligations and licensing agreements, and manage recurring incoming and outgoing payments on schedule, thus easing cash-flow.
This can help companies avoid any potential legal disputes and focus on providing high-quality services for their partners. IKON ERP provides state-of-the-art security and user-access management, allowing various access levels for employees and departments.
- Customizable & Scalable Architecture
- Intuitive Interface
- Customizable and user-defined product types
- Customizable contract characteristics, languages, currencies
- Availability of calculation and reporting
- Invoicing within the system
- Events, triggers, and automatic notifications
- Document storage and change log tracking
- User management
- Export to Excel or PDF
- Attach other documents and comments at any time
General ledger
The General ledger module keeps abreast of changes in the legal environment. Thanks to the general ledger data, the company’s financial processes can be easily retrieved and displayed. Financial analyses can be carried out from different aspects and dimensions, and it is easy to set up a set of rules specific to the company with easily parameterizable analysis codes. Financial control in the day-to-day will be instantly transparent. Thanks to this module, we can say goodbye to paperwork and Excel spreadsheets, and the result is a continuous and orderly data processing workflow that produces accurate statements and reports.
- Multidimensional general ledger data (general ledger, currency, analysis code)
- Use of analysis codes for data analysis and data classification
- Possibility to cancel general ledger dispatches
- Revaluation – general ledger account balances in foreign currency can be converted into the accounting and reporting currency at a given exchange rate
- Exchange rate differential – option to update the HCB/ECB exchange rate automatically or set the exchange rate manually
- General ledger reconciliation – easy settlement of overpayments and debts between partners, reduction of current account balances
- General statement management system
- Easily parameterizable general ledger diversions
The IKON ERP Accounting module helps you to record and process your company’s financial transactions, results, and position. It enables the company to comply with legal accounting requirements, prepare balance sheets, manage invoices (receivables and payables), and analyze financial performance. The module integrates with inventory management, purchasing, and sales modules to ensure data consistency and accuracy. The use of the accounting module helps companies to improve the efficiency of their financial processes, reduce costs, increase revenues, manage risks, and support decision-making.
- Invoicing
- Manage pro-forma invoices from both the supplier and the customer side
- Supplier invoice filing
- Recording all types of supplier invoices (cancellation, correction, amendment)
- Manage reverse charge, self-taxation, VAT apportionment, differential VAT
- Handling VAT linked to cash flow activity for both the customer and the supplier
- The system manages strict filing numbering for supplier invoices in addition to the invoice
number received from the supplier itself. - Possibility to generate invoice serial numbers in the order of registration
- Supplier invoice lifecycle: filing, remittance, approval, clearing, followed by transfer in a
scannable format for Internet banking solutions, bank statement capture, or scanning from
several bank statements in different formats. - Customer invoice management: invoicing processing for bookkeeping (invoice recording),
cash payment, or bank transfer
- Managing payment notifications, reminders, balance notifications
- Current account management
- High flexibility for invoice clearing: general ledger, clearing, settlement, offsetting
- Management of all types of VAT return forms that can be scanned in the Hungarian tax office VAT return program.
- VAT returns are easily parameterizable, can handle self-revisions, and can be generated as many times as necessary until the final closure
- Automatically handles VAT mismatches when the date of completion and VAT period are different, and advance-final invoice entries
- Accounting voucher management
- Online communication with the Hungarian tax office with tax number check (extendable to other tax offices when technically possible)
- Download and pair supplier and customer invoices uploaded by partners to the Hungarian taxing system
- Download invoices issued by other invoicing systems that the company may use from the Hungarian tax office
- Invoice matching, full payment, partial and overpayment management
The IKON ERP® Partner module works with a single unified partner source, with all the important information about your partners in one place, from contact details to current account information to setting interest on late payments, whether they are customers, suppliers, individuals, or banks. All documents linked and issued to partners can be easily retrieved and viewed from the partner interface. A single partner register brings together all suppliers, customers, and banks connected to the company, whether they are partners inside or outside the country.
- A single counterparty master for the whole system
- Current account management from the partner side, including all related analytics
- Settlement of analytics relationships (invoice to invoice, settlement, general ledger settlement)
- Invoices generated for partners can be retrieved in PDF format
- Individual charges are customizable per partner
- Simple differentiation by partner type
- Persons, notification addresses in one interface
- Store multiple contact information for one partner
Bank and cash management
The banking module has all the functionality a company could need. It keeps abreast of changes in the legal environment and applies the latest controlling approach. IKON ERP can take advantage of Hungarian legislation to keep accounts in several currencies if required. In the case of multinational companies, the system can record the general ledger in the currency of the parent company, thus helping to produce consolidated data at a group level. In addition to the analysis of the base currency, all analytics are stored in the original currency and remain retrievable from the general ledger.
- Bank statement scanning and automated item identification in multiple formats
- Possibility to manually record and extract bank statements
- Handles overpayments and refunds for bank items
- Simple transfer files from invoices that can be scanned by Internet banking solutions to generate a transaction
- Create single to multiple batch transfers per account number
- Batch transfer processing
- Ability to close and reverse statements
The IKON ERP Sales module offers a simple solution for storing customer data and managing the sales process. One of the fundamental secrets of sales is creative pricing to achieve customer satisfaction. The IKON ERP Sales module, in combination with the Purchasing module, provides an advanced, up-to-date pricing tool that you can use to create quotations for your customers. It assists purchasing by taking into account available stock levels, thereby optimizing stock levels. Sales administration processes are automated, reducing the tasks involved to allow more time to plan and execute your sales strategy. Whether in manufacturing, services, or even retail and wholesale, IKON ERP’s Sales module provides an integrated solution.
- Easily parameterizable movement chain for invoicing, receipting, and stock management
- Individual price lists according to customer criteria
- Individual price lists by article and article group
- Discounts – You can set up individual discounts for your sales by article or article group, whether it is a quantity discount or a current discount
- Recurring sales – Copy recurring sales
- Easy purchase quote generation – Work with the purchasing module to easily generate a purchase requisition to fulfill a sale
- Issue invoices from delivery notes
- Record customer history
- Arbitrary currency handling – Easily convert currency denominations during sales
- Multilingual vouchers – The language of the vouchers issued can be changed on request
- Customizable serial number management
- CRM supporting features
The main task of production planning and support software is to make production and manufacturing processes transparent, fully manageable, and monitorable in real time. We aim to create a system that, together with the Purchasing and Sales modules of IKON ERP, best covers the needs of the company and can work with other manufacturing software if required. We have developed interface connections of our system to many specialized manufacturing software, thus integrating the flow of information and eliminating extra data entry tasks.
The IKON ERP Logistics modules include many key functions to support efficient enterprise-wide logistics. These include inventory management, tracking materials within the warehouse, processing orders, and supporting sales and purchasing processes. The modules integrate with all areas of the business, harmonizing the management of stock, orders, and purchasing processes. Inventory management helps to optimize stock levels and avoid reaching minimum stock levels while purchasing processes control product stock levels. Sales functions enable accurate processing of orders and smooth preparation of products for delivery. They help to increase efficiency, reduce
costs, and optimize the entire enterprise supply chain while providing the company with consistent, real-time data. As a result, companies can respond to market challenges and customer needs more flexibly, quickly, and accurately.
Inventory management
The life of most companies requires some degree of warehousing and the logistics operations that manage it. Inventory Management has been developed with different business needs in mind, depending on size, from managing small dedicated warehouses to commercial and manufacturing
companies with multiple consignment and external partner warehouses. It effectively facilitates and supports logistics work by automating processes. The module can manage the movement of materials and products and ensure their traceability from procurement to sales. Several methods can be selected for recording the value of goods, whether they are to be recorded using the
accounting price or the actual price method. Thanks to customizable parameterization, it can be easily customized to the company’s image, whether it is for creating articles and article groups or for shelf-level stock management.
- Individual movement types with automatic vouchering, general ledger accounting
- Management of article movements linked to orders, warehouses, stocks, vouchers, batches and invoicing
- Full item lifecycle tracking
- Cartridge Identification
- Receipt and dispatch with voucher issue
- Inter-warehouse movements
- Reclassification
- Query and export movements
- Managing pricing conditions and discounts
- Simple Inventory
- Inventory evaluation
- Surplus and shortage management
- Inventory listing in Excel format
One of the most difficult daily tasks is the optimum and correct handling of incoming goods, their registration, and preparation for further processes, be it production or sales. The IKON ERP Purchasing module supports the entire purchasing process, from the creation of requirements, through the request for offer process, to the creation of purchase orders. It takes into account minimum stock levels and generates an electronically approvable automatic purchase order, eliminating the need for continuous monitoring of stock lists. The module can manage supplier partner quotations. To handle discrepancies and quality problems during the receipt of goods, the receipt can be assigned with unique lot identifiers so that a simple return of goods can be generated from a problematic delivery.
- Easily parameterizable workflow for invoicing, receipting, and stock management
- Register and manage incoming supplier offers
- Possibility to set up blanket orders
- Built-in purchasing and procurement management, requisition submission
- Up-to-date inventory management with management of, incoming, in-stock, available, and reserved quantities
- Item stock management; Item, item group, and item component management with basic data, weights, packing units
- Management of stock locations
- Management of pricing conditions, individual prices from customer and supplier side
- Incoterm code management
- Customizable serial number management
- Management of purchase, sale, inventory, repurchase, and scrap repurchase prices
- Supplier/buyer order history management
- Returns management
- User authorization management: approval of blanket orders, purchases